Singer, Songwriter and a Music Evangelist
When God says you are good enough don't doubt it, believe it and run with it. His opinion of you is what matters, no one else's does. At the end of it all, you'll give account to Him and no one else.
Background in Music
The Beginning
MoNuade, also known as Moninuade Iluyomade grew up in a family of musicians. She started singing right from a young age and demonstrated her love for music by becoming an active member of renowned music groups. While in secondary school, she joined the School Choir from there, she was selected to join The Lagos State Music Chorale.
Professional Singing
Bands & Classical groups
Her journey into professional music began in 1990, when she joined the Classic Music Chorale by invitation from Mr Ebenezer Omole. Thereafter, she went on to become an active member of the following Choirs:
Lazarus Ekueme Chorale
Chorale De Magnifique (CDM)
Steve Rhodes Voices
Other secular bands and studio back up includes, Toni Tetula, Dede Mabiaku among others.
Music in the Church
Service in the Church
She was a catholic until 1997, she became born again in the Catholic renewal movement and joined the choir. After her admission into the University of Lagos in 1998, she went on to join the Believer’s Love world fellowship. There she became part of the praise team and a lead singer. In addition, she was part of the praise team and a soloist in these various Church Choirs just to mention a few:
Anglican Church
St Dominic Catholic Church
Christ Embassy Church Lagos & UK
Rapture (gospel band)
RCCG Church (Lagos & UK)
Music Ministry
The Call
In 2008, she debuted a single “Egberun Ahon” (a thousand tongues) and she is currently working on recording a full Album. Her love and taste in Music weave through the different genres of music ranging from Classical, Jazz, Blues, soul, Hip-Hop to R&B. She is the founder of Gozmusic and “Passion and beyond”. She is married and blessed with five wonderful children.

Raising Army of Worshipers for Christ.
In 2004, she received the vision for Gozmusic to raise an army of worshipers, who will worship God through music, in spirit, and in truth. It was a classic case of the one talent servant, she got the vision, wrote it down but she did little to pursue it.
Part of her held onto the vision but the overpowering part of her believed that she possibly couldn’t achieve it, having met and sang with incredible voices, out of which God could comfortably make His selection why her? The nudge and desire to fulfill began to grow and in 2008, she debuted a single Ebgerun Ahon, and again, out of fear of rejection and failure, she didn’t promote it any further.
In 2017, the need to take on the call became urgent, this time she felt blessed and privileged to have a second chance to take up the vision and run with it.
God doesn’t work with Talents he works with the meek, the teachable and the obedient.
"Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion."
Hebrews 3:15 (NIV)