Alien Vs Predator Console Commands
Alien Vs Predator Console Commands ->>>
Add Scientist_Female, Predator_ai, Predator_mp, Lightpredator_ai, lightpredator_mp, mhawkpredator_ai, mhawkpredator_mp, heavypredator_ai, heavypredator_mp, drone_ai, drone_mp, predalien_ai, predalien_mp, praetorian_mp, praetorian_ai, runner_ai, runner_mp, demolition_mp, minigunner_mp, harrison_mp, merc1_mp, merc2_mp, merc4_mp, sniper_mp, rykov_mp, queen_ai. Add these into Morphing Cheats, some of them have different stats, like harrison_mp have double armor stat, 200 max armor instead of 100 max and other changes.
Your main request would require the source code. The way the game levels work is that they're set to randomly spawn either neverending marines or neverending aliens. There's no setting for predators, let alone facehuggers, androids, turrets, queens, etc. Those are specially placed characters. The change that you're talking about would most definitely require the AvP Classic source code. I think theoretically you can change the multiplayer maps to spawn in neverending marines instead of aliens, but skirmish and co-op modes don't allow human bots under normal parameters. Not sure how to get around that without being in debug mode.
Cheat CodesIn order to use these codes, you must first install the patch which enables the saved game feature. Using MS-DOS Prompt, start the game by typing in avp.exe -debug command line parameter. Press the tild button during game play to display the console. Then, enter one of the following case-sensitive codes while playing as the indicated character to use the desired effect. EffectCharacterCodeChange motion tracker speedMarineMOTIONTRACKERSPEED Adjust amount of blue in skyAnySKY_BLUE Adjust amount of green in skyAnySKY_GREEN Adjust amount of red in skyAnySKY_RED Adjust amount of tilt when sidesteppingAnyLEANSCALE All weapons and ammoAnyGIVEALLWEAPONSBroadcast message to your speciesAnySAY_SPECIESBroadcast messageAnySAYChange game speedAnyTIMESCALE Change motion tracker volumeMarineMOTIONTRACKERVOLUME Clear all key bindingsAnyUNBIND-ALLCreate CPU controlled AlienAnyALIENBOTCreate CPU controlled Praetorian Alien(may crash game if enemy doesn't normally appear in level)AnyPRAETORIANBOT Create CPU controlled Predator(may crash game if enemy doesn't normally appear in level)AnyPREDOBOT Create CPU controlled Predator-Alien (may crash game if enemy doesn't normally appear in level)AnyPREDALIENBOTCreate CPU controlled Xenoborg(may crash game if enemy doesn't normally appear in level)AnyXENOBORGCreate an CPU controlled MarineAnyMARINEBOT Create light aura; repeat for brighter auraAnyLIGHTDecreases detail levelAnyDETAIL_LEVEL_MINDisplay frame rateAnySHOWFPSDisplay level coordinatesAnySHOWCOORDSDisplay number of rendered polygonsAnySHOWPOLYCOUNTGet name of player nearest center of screenAnyID_PLAYERGod modeAlienTHEONEDEADLYCREAUTUREEVERCREATED God modeAnyGOD God modeMarineFREAKOFTHEUNIVERSGod modePredatorSKULLCOLLECTOR Increases detail levelAnyDETAIL_LEVEL_MAXList all key bindingsAnyLISTBINDList all text expansionsAnyLISTEXPList cheat commandsAnyLISTCMDList in-game helpAnyLISTVARPlayer invisible to all opponentsAnyOBSERVERReplenish energy supplyPredatorGIMME_CHARGEScreenshotAnySCREENSHOT Select CD track to be loopedAnyCDPLAYLOOPSelect CD track to playAnyCDPLAYSet sound levelAnyCDVOLUME Show frag tableAnySHOW_SCORE Stop playing CD trackAnyCDSTOPToggle crouch and crawlAlienCROUCHMODE Toggle doppler shift on Alien soundsAnyDOPPLERSHIFT Toggle network opponent movementAnyEXTRAPOLATE_MOVEMENTToggle wire frame modeAnyWIREFRAMEMODE Verbose reports of text expansionsAnyEXPVLoad SpeciesUsing MS-DOS Prompt, Start the game with the avp.exe -debug -l command line parameter, where a is the alien, m is the marine, p is the predator, c is the civilian, x is the xenoborg, t is the praetorian alien, and r is the predator-alien. All letters are case-sensitive.
Brad Shoemaker from GameSpot praised the game for its diversity of mechanics between the races, stating, \"the imaginative way in which the designers have differentiated the humans from the aliens from the predators is Extinction's strongest point\".[3] This was echoed by EGM's Joe Fielder, who stated that the differences made \"each race's game worth playing.\"[4] Several reviewers noted that the control scheme, while limited due to the differences between a gamepad and keyboard/mouse configuration, worked well for the game's mechanics.[9]
Club HopperObjective: Survive The 'Party' at The ClubCome to MamaObjective: Liberate the MatriarchBreaking QuarantineObjective: Escape from the Research LabExit StrategyObjective: Escape from C-BlockIt Uses The JungleObjective: Find a way through GatewayFallen ComradeObjective: Find the Youngbloods in the JungleMatter of HonorObjective: Discover the Elite Predator's fateYou Have My SympathiesObjective: Help Van ZandtRegicideObjective: Defeat the MatriarchEyes of The DemonObjective: Retrieve the ancient maskGrunt HuntObjective: Wipe out all of the Marines in the ColonyWorld of HurtObjective: Survive trial by combatBreaking and EnteringObjective: Find a way into the Research LabReclaimerObjective: Retrieve the second artifactExtinction AgendaObjective: Destroy the AbominationI Will Never Leave You...Objective: Locate Tequila...That's A PromiseObjective: Get Tequila to surgeryUnder PressureObjective: Solve the riddle of the RuinsOne Big BugObjective: Defeat the PraetorianAlien vs PredatorObjective: Create a new speciesStick AroundObjective: Kill 20 enemies with the Combi StickGet to The Chopper!Objective: Recover Weyland's datapadSpin DoctorObjective: Kill two enemies with one throw of the Battle DiscGunslingerObjective: Kill 30 enemies with the pistolGame Over, Man!Objective: Complete all three CampaignsWelcome to The WarObjective: Play and complete your first Ranked Match in standard Deathmatch modeElite SniperObjective: Kill 10 enemies with head shots from the scoped rifleScatter ShotObjective: As a team, kill 20 enemies in under 60 seconds in a Survivor match.Killer InstinctObjective: Win your first Ranked Match in standard Deathmatch modePersecution ComplexObjective: Achieve Persecutor status more than once in any Ranked MatchAin't Got Time to BleedObjective: Heal or regenerate 30 blocks of health in SurvivorSerial KillerObjective: Win 10 Ranked Matches in any Deathmatch modeWelcome to The PartyObjective: Get 6000 XP in Ranked MatchesVery Tough HombreObjective: Kill 10 enemies in a row without dying in a Ranked MatchI Like to Keep This HandyObjective: Kill 2 enemies with one shot with the shotgunLet's Rock!Objective: Kill 5 enemies with one burst from the smartgunThe UninfectedObjective: Finish a Ranked Infestation match as the only remaining preyI Admire its PurityObjective: Complete Alien Campaign on Hard difficulty settingStay FrostyObjective: Complete Marine Campaign on Hard difficulty settingIt Ain't No ManObjective: Complete Predator Campaign on Hard difficulty settingFortune and GloryObjective: Find all 45 Predator trophy beltsReal Nasty HabitObjective: Get 18060 XP in Ranked MatchesGrim ReaperObjective: Harvest all available civilians in the Alien CampaignHarsh LanguageObjective: Discover all 67 Audio DiariesQuite A SpecimenObjective: Destroy all 50 Royal Jelly ContainersMagnificent, Isn't ItObjective: Complete Alien Campaign on Nightmare difficulty settingOne Ugly MotherObjective: Complete Predator Campaign on Nightmare difficulty settingThe Six PackObjective: Play with six friends in a Ranked MatchI LOVE the Corps!Objective: Complete Marine Campaign on Nightmare difficulty settingNot Bad for A HumanObjective: Get all the Aliens vs Predator achievementsAliens vs. predator gold cheats, cheat codes & hintsCheat CodesStart the game with the \"avp.exe -debug\" command line parameter. Thenwhile playing a game, press \"\" to display the console. Then enter one of the following codes while playing as the indicated character (Marine, Predator, Alien or Any) to activate the corresponding cheat function (all character must be capital letters):Marine:CodeResultMOTIONTRACKERVOLUME #Change Motion Tracker Volume (# = 0.00 to 1.00)MOTIONTRACKERSPEED #Change Motion Tracker Speed (# = 1 to 16)Predator:CodeResultGIMME_CHARGEReplenish Energy SupplyAlien:CodeResultCROUCHMODE 0/1Toggle Crouch and Crawl off/onAny Character:CodeResultALIENBOTCreate CPU-Controlled AlienPREDALIENBOTCreate CPU-Controlled Predator-AienPRAETORIANBOTCreate CPU-Controlled Praetorian-AlienXENOBORGCreate CPU-Controlled XenoborgSHOWFPSShow FramerateGIVEALLWEAPONSAll Weapons and AmmoGODGod ModeLIGHTCreate Light Aura (Input Again for Brighter)MARINE BOT #Create # of Marine BotsPREADOBOT #Create # Of Predator-Alien BotsSHOWPOLYCOUNTShow Rendered PolysLISTVARIn-Game HelpLISTCMDList Cheat CodesTIMESCALE #Change Game Speed (# = 0.00 and 1.00)Note: You cannot save your game with -debug activated.Aliens vs. predator savegameAccess All Levels. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push({}); NEWSNina Williams joins the Tekken 8 roster 153554b96e