Buy Crackled Fire Agate
Buy Crackled Fire Agate -
Crackle Fire Agate Gemstone Beads - Crackle fire agate gemstone beads are distinguished for their crackle appearance that they gain from being heated to extreme temperatures. Many of these beads also contain an unnatural white substance on the outside of the bead that is used to accentuate the fractures in the stone. Click on the image below and a new page will open offering larger views, a detailed description and purchase information.
Representative of the flame of our spirit constantly burning within us, Cracked fire agate is a stone of willpower and purpose. It burns through the connections we have to negativity from the past allowing us to move freely towards a brighter future. This is a stone of action and inspires its human counterpart to not just \"think\" but \"do\". Fire Agate is beneficial for those who spend too much of their time considering how to make things perfect, or the best route to take. Progress is not made within the confines of \"what if's\" so Fire Agate helps us to move forward, feeling inspired by what could be and allowing ourselves to actually experience the beauty of what life has to offer.
This crystal is also useful when working with high vibrational stones to achieve spiritual growth. Fire agate provides inner stability, which keeps you firmly grounded and prevents you from feeling lightheaded or disconnected.
Fire agate is a zodiac stone of Gemini. People born under this sign are often lively, can communicate well and are full of good ideas. But sometimes stress and over-thinking can become a problem for you.
Most crystals that are five or under on the Mohs hardness scale are considered unsafe to get wet. This is because they may dissolve or crack. Fire agate is a silicon dioxide and measures 6.5-7 for hardness, making it water safe.
Fire agate gemstones are unique agate varieties with colors and iridescence resembling flickering flames. The stone is set apart from other agates in its unique layered structure, rainbow of colors, and iridescence. Plus, no fire agate is identical to another.
Fire agate is a layered stone composed of chalcedony and the iron oxide minerals goethite, limonite, or both. The thin layers of chalcedony and iron oxides are typically encompassed in a clear chalcedony layer.
Some define these stones as being specifically bright peacock green, blue, and yellow. However, others classify them as any fire agate displaying three or more colors from different groups; in other words, a red (including orange or yellow), a green, and a blue (including purple or violet).
The stone overall is rare, but Mexican fire agates are slightly more abundant and somewhat lower quality. However, fire agates from San Luis Potosi are special in displaying a golden iridescence. Arizona fire agate stones, particularly from Deer Creek, are highly sought-after by collectors.
Over the past 60 years or so, lapidarists have gradually learned how to work with this type of agate. After trying to create calibrated fire agates and turning out consistently dull gems, those in the gem trade eventually learned cutting the gem took great expertise, skill, and practice.
Many purported fire agate benefits tie to heat: lowering a fever, reducing hot flashes, and boosting blood circulation. Crystal healers also use the crystal for increasing energy levels, improving libido, and treating digestion issues. Additionally, wearing a fire agate necklace is said to strengthen your heart.
Energy healers use chakra crystals to open a specific energy center (chakra) in your body, restoring it to get rid of negative blockage symptoms. Fire agate chakra stones are best for the root (or base) chakra.
Cutting fire agate takes incredible expertise, patience, and skill. Typically, the raw fire agate shape determines the ultimate cut, though properly displaying the full iridescence while not cutting too deep takes lots of practice.
Lapidarists often opt for freeform fire agate cabochons or slabs. Fire agate beads are also common for jewelry, while carvings make exquisite decor. Some jewelers offer custom cuts, and these can fetch high prices.
So far, fire agate has only been found in two countries: Mexico and the USA. The area is called the Sonoran Desert region; specifically, southwestern USA, northern Mexico, and central Mexico. Currently, Arizona (USA) is the top producer.
Clean fire agate by gently wiping it with a soft cloth dipped in a mixture of warm water and mild soap. Then, rinse any soap residue from the stone and dry it with a microfiber cloth. Keep the stone away from extreme heat and harsh chemicals. 59ce067264