If Were Gonna Play Owl House - The Owl House (Soundtrack)
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Amity: [Voiceover.] We were playing Glandus High for the Island Championship. We had a move planned, and it was a good one. But, at the last minute, I decided I wanted to do something a bit flashier. I changed our game plan to... the Thorn Vault.
Hooty has a nervous breakdown and starts crying hysterically. He tries to break away from the Owl House, believing everyone would be better off without him. Since he is part of the house, his desperation to break away from it puts the house in danger of collapsing. King almost falls from the tower but is saved by Eda in her new harpy form. A falling stone nearly crushes Luz and Amity, but King saves them with his new ultrasonic scream powers. Hooty manages to free himself from the Owl House and starts dragging along the ground, causing earthquakes. Eda and King try to convince Hooty that he did help them in his weird way, but he is too upset to listen, saying that despite their claims, he has still failed Luz. Eda and King then ask Luz what Hooty tried to do for her, to which she confesses that he was trying to help her ask Amity out. Eda encourages her to do it, but Luz points out that Hooty's breakdown is ruining the moment. Eda then wishes her luck and flies off with King, dragging Hooty away.
Meanwhile, while looking through her old grudgby pictures, Eda is met by Lilith at the Owl House. Lilith has come to take her in, but Eda is not having any of it. However, after Lilith insults Eda about her days as a grudgby player, Eda becomes defensive and challenges her to a match. If Lilith wins, Eda will surrender herself to the Emperor's Coven without a fight. They set up a makeshift grudgby field outside the house, and have Hooty act as the referee and the traps. The game between Eda and Lilith comes to a tie. One more play will declare the winner. Eda intends to cheat but discovers her cheat kit is empty because Luz cleaned it. Eda now has no choice but to win the honest way. The final game begins, and after getting the upper hand, Eda wins without cheating. Lilith is devastated because the Emperor is expecting her to show up with Eda in custody and she cannot go back empty-handed, so Eda gives Lilith her ring so she can tell him she put up a struggle. Lilith then leaves but promises to return.
Main production for this episode is back on! I've finally come to a conclusion over who I believe will win, and I feel like both should be on relatively the same playing field after Owl house season 2 ep 5. Check out the sister DBX episode to this, Neiru VS Amity
Luz Noceda is a teenage girl who cant seem to fit in. She is what you call "a geeky weirdo." With a obsession the The Good Witch Azura series and a extremely hyperactive imagination, Luz's antics at her school eventually lead to her being signed up for Inside The Box summer camp, a summer camp that would erase all her imagination. Although hating this idea at first, Luz came to semi-tolerate it after realizing how much this meant to her mother. But as she was about to board to bus to the camp, a mysterious owl stole her Azura book, running into a shack near the woods. Luz proceeded to follow the owl, but when she entered the cabin, the door led to a unexpected destination. The realm of the Boiling isles, the place where all weirdness comes from. Soon after her arrival, she was taken in by Eda the owl lady and her wacky friends who live inside the sentient owl house. Luz would journey around the isles, learning magic through her glyphs, and finally the making friends she always wanted back on the human world.
Ai Ohto was just your regular teenage girl attending your average public middle school in urban japan. Aside from one thing. Ai has heterochromia, a mutation in her eyes that makes her eyes different colors. Her left eye is a amber/gold color, and her left is a deep navy blue. For whatever reason, her classmates didn't like her condition, and vigorously bullied her for it. After this went on for months, one day Ai met someone who finally treated her right. This new girl, named Koito said that Ai's eyes were pretty. This simple act of kindness and human decency touched Ai. Although reluctant at first, her and Koito then became friends. Sadly, due to someone now being friends with Ai, the bullying moved onto Koito. Sadly, the bullying got too bad for Koito and she committed suicide. Completely wracked with grief over her one and only friends suicide, Ai left school and became a Hikomori (Shut in). For months Ai did nothing, just sit in her room, sleep and eat. For whatever reason, one day Ai went outside. She stumbled across a garden. Inside the garden was a house, a patio and even entire mall! One thing stood out to Ai, a vending machine. Inside it was a bunch of eggs, with words written in a strange foreign language, some numbers and a barcode. Ai bought the egg and went home to go to bed. When she awoke in the dream, she had the egg with her. It hatched revealing a girl. Obviously confused, Ai and the girl, named Kurumi guides Ai, through the dream. Ai learns that she must go into her dreams, crack the eggs and help the children that hatch from them come to terms with their deaths. That's right, the eggs are linked to the souls of girls who have committed suicide, and if Ai can help enough of them pass on, Koito will be revived. As Ai fights through waves of Seeno evils, basically just mindless enemies who chase after the egg girls, and the girls specific wonder killer (the physical representation of their trauma, given monstrous form.) She grows closer to other girls who help egg girls in order to bring a loved one back, finally making the friends she always wanted, aswell as moving on from Koitos death.
This is easily one of the most important categories and a main reason why Luz won. Starting with Ai, she has survived multiple encounters with Wonder Killers who can easily rip through stone walls, yet she still tanks hits from them and walks them off with minimal damage. However she does have a clear limit. In episode six, she was almost killed after a short brawl with a wonder killer, however she still did live, even with a massive head wound. The feats we see this wonder killer do aren't very impressive, so we will highball it to the average wonder killer in the series, large wall-small building level. Due to this, Ai has a surprisingly low durability. Now, something that could change this is how Ai is comparable to Rika, who tanked this attack. Note: This is probably large building-city block level of attack when comparing to the nearby lighthouse. However during this point in time, there is no reason why Ai should scale to Rika. For one, Mannen, Rikas Pomander jumped in front of the attack, blocking Rika from most of the damage. Also, at this point Ai and Rika had only fought together once, and that one time was early on in the series, when both were weaker. The biggest point that separate's Ai from Rika is that Rika has done MUCH more fights then Ai. We know she buys a ton of eggs every time she visits, and because she "saved" Chiemi almost a whole 3 episodes before Ai, and because Ai usually only buys 1 egg per visit, Rika should be not only more experienced, but stronger aswell. So sadly another potentially outcome turning feat is just nothing impressive. As for Luz, she was perfectly durable enough to survive getting pushed around by Ai's pen. Luz is already easily on Ai's level due to beating warden wrath twice, who can easily break down prison grade walls and pillars. Hell, in their second fight, Luz absolutely handed it to this guy. And as if it couldn't get any better for Luz, in Escaping Expulsion she was not only extremely weakened by the Blight industries presentation, she tanked a hit on par, if not greater then the greatest feat we've seen out of Ai's pen, Note: While Amity did shield Luz from the hit, its safe to assume that the damage she has already taken from earlier definitely equates, if not surpasses what the hit would be like if Amity wasn't their to shield Luz and then got up immediately after, and just walked off stage. In conclusion, Luz is way more durable then you would think, and can definitely tank a ton of Ai's hits, while Ai once more had a super powerful feat that wasn't what it seemed.
The OST for this fight would be called "Dreaming Glyphs". The Name comes from Luz's glyphs and the fact that Ai fights in her dreams. The cover art depicts Ai's pen about to transform, as a light beam is forming behind it. The four different glyph symbols are seen behind both of them. The music of the track would mainly be in the synthy style of the Owl houses opening, with bits sounding like some songs that play during the episodes themselves, lighter on the instruments and with longer notes and exaderated sound effects. A big part of the song would be how it uses WEP style of music. Its hard to actually word what it sounds like because just like the show it comes from, the soundtrack is very weird and unique. Songs it could directly reference can be: Owl house intro, outro and grom dance. For WEP, Brand New World and Friendship can be referenced. Sudachi no uta can also be referenced during a slower section. And Life is cider would be extremely out of place, we all know you can only listen to that song after being deeply traumatized!
Rising to 6th place after a series of magical mishaps destroyed the entire inventory of his nearest competitor (such as an entire warehouse in Cheapside falling into the Thames River), British hip-hop wizard Da Wiz not only sings and produces, but he also owns his own record company, UK Dukay. Here is a bit of his latest smash hit single, edited slightly for broadcast:
The still-new house is more house-like, more us and more lived in. There are still places missing furniture and oh so many cardboard boxes in the basement with the mice but it is cozy and currently there is a fire burning in the fireplace and cocktails on the coffee table and snow outside and stars and it is a wonderful, wonder-filled place to be. 781b155fdc