I think that the idea of disabling buy osrs gold a great idea and would tie in well with the idea that we need collaboration. It could be possible to take To'kash's deep freeze attack and focus on one person only. It could also last for an extended time period before it would melt (not infinite, though so even if you're trapped by yourself, there's a chance to escape). This would make it more difficult for players to work together.
I envision tougher bosses getting many Dung-style bosses, with nothing that you can do to win. Although some bosses are less effective than others (Lexicus is one example) I think that varying the methods required to take down bosses can make for more exciting boss battles.
Jagex and the dangers of A Half-Assed Wildy
With all the excitement about the revival of wilderness in the game, I'll examine what this would mean to the game. How the new mechanics of the last few years would interact with "the wild" and the potential problems this could create.
Let's first talk about wilderness boundaries. Prior to 07 there was no safe zone. The most basic wilderness design has zones of safety. These zones could be argued to be permanent, but they can disrupt the current battles. It is promoted to hop into a safe zone and it is also a focus for on fighting these areas.
In addition, it defeats the purpose. The issue is whether we'll see a new wilderness design within BH worlds, or the old one. This raises another issue that is the current activity in the wilderness that were not present before. Do they stay or go, and what effect could this have.
Personally, I'm in favour of moving osrs fire cape buy minigames (Clan Wars FOG, Clan Wars and sealing off Deamonhiem) to a various locations, but the most difficult part is the 3 quests. Defender of Varrock, as well as the Summer questline each have substantial portions in the wild. I believe that if the quests are to remain, it is recommended to complete the quest. What is this referring to? You are completely on your own once you get to the quest's start point, or when you enter the wilds in the Defender of Varrack story. This could alter the quest little, but it shouldn't affect it too much.