No matter what your educational level is, your professors expect you to deliver 100% perfect assignments. Thus, most of you may use an online word counter to use valuable pieces of information within the specified word count. Yes, it is important to maintain the word count as instructed by your professor. But, there are a lot of other factors too. Here are the five significant tools that will help you write impressive, perfect assignments easily.
Plagiarism checker
Tons of students end up missing their deadlines in an attempt to write unique papers. Even 1% of plagiarism can take a toll on your grades and overall academic performance. At times, you may plagiarise specific passages without even realising about it, known as self-plagiarism. Thus, make sure you use an online plagiarism paper checker before submitting the paper in class.
Paraphrasing tool
How often have you just stared at the blank screen because you couldn’t think of anything to write in the assignment? You aren’t alone. Writer’s block is common among tons of students. Instead of wasting your time, it is better to use an online paraphrasing tool to write at least something in the assignment. Paraphrasing is the process of changing the words of an original passage without modifying the meaning.
Referencing tool
Referencing is one of the most significant and yet complicated parts of writing. You may have used several sources to gather information about your topic. You should provide credibility to the original author to avoid copyright accusations. There are two elements in citations- in-text citations and reference lists. So, you can use an online citation machine to get this section done effortlessly.
Every year, thousands of students fly down to foreign countries to pursue higher education. Countries such as the UK and the USA consist of the highest number of international students. Most international students find it hard to craft proper sentence structures or use accurate grammatical knowledge in their assignments. Hence, they lose quite a lot of valuable grades in the overall process. Grammarly can help you correct your grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and punctuation errors as well.
Resume builder
Resume writing is a common task for students, especially in college. This task is important since it makes you familiar with resumes right from an early stage. But, this task sends students into a loop. What to include in the document? How do you arrange all the pieces of information? So, there are online resume builders out there that can help you with it. You can download relevant samples from the free tools and get an idea about how to write this paper.
The next time you start working on an assignment, make sure you download these tool. Some of these tools are available as browser extensions as well. Use them as and when required to write perfect assignments easily.
Are you struggling to write impressive assignments? Check out the five important tools that can help you get this task done effortlessly. Download the tools as per your assignment requirements and meet your professors' expectations without fail.
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